Tuesday, June 24, 2008


well, alot has happened in the past 3wks. wow.....
dillon decided to go full time with Crystal Aire (our a/c company). after praying about it, God clearly gave the go ahead. we decided to buy out our partner (which was a very messy situation), but God gave us peace and guidance thru the whole thing.
i have in the mean time, become my husbands partner, 55% owner :), secretary, treasurer, and personal assistant. Crystal Aire has become a full time job for me.
I now have 2 full time jobs! wow... i know now how working moms feel. needless to say, i am tired at the end of the day, but i love working for dillon.
as we get organized and into a routine, things will level out and my kids won't feel so left out.
at least my office is in my home, so i'm there for them when i need to be.
that's it for now! got things to do!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

How are things going with this?? I have been praying for you.